
Tuesday 24 April 2012

What is good customer service?

Good customer service does not always mean that the company provides a 24/7 telephone service for it's customers. -- Because I know of a few companies that do, and the support "after hours" is terrible.

There are businesses, like Bricklayer in Kent who are open at varied times.

I prefer a a high level of knowledge when dealing with a company. The main thing that I tend to look for when it comes to getting support from a website hosting company is a 9-5 telephone support service, either for sales or customer support, an extensive knowledge database, and last; but not least, a fast reply (within an hour) from any support ticket that I may submit through my control panel.

In regards to this, a few companies just scrape by; and hope that their clients do not leave them for another provider. As nice as it may be to receive a "good will gesture", it makes me feel like the company is saying. "we made a mistake, but we wont admit it; so here, have this for free".

Although, getting something for free is never a bad thing; do you really want to stay with a company that makes the same mistake over and over again.

That is the key question.

There are several UK based hosting companies that offer great support and technical expertise.



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